Physical Training

Mandatory PT hasn't really changed much since WWII. It is as awful now as it was then. With the advancements in technology, expecting today's Soldier to find it interesting is borderline insanity. We all dread the morning PT routine. We all get excited when he have a valid excuse to miss out on it.
Options for leaders to make PT interesting can be exhausting. There isn't enough gym space to accommodate for all the Soldiers at once. Doing sports PT is fun and builds esprit de corps, but is frowned upon doing everyday.
We wholeheartedly agree that this is a sacred hour for the Army. But it can be so much more than just exercise alone. Think of the change we could make by turning morning PT into something fun!

Unit Pride
National Patriotism
Lack of Options
Team Cohesion
WEAPONS DON'T DETER WARNearly every weapon of the past had a creator who thought they were ending war forever, only to see it slip into enemy hands years later. When will we realize that the weapons we create today will be used against our children of tomorrow. There is a war deterrent no greater than a group of fit, intelligent, and well-bonded Soldiers.
TECHNOLOGY IS VULNERABLEThe US is the most advanced country in the world. Our adversaries have been and continue to developing ways that separate the Soldier from that technology. China demonstrated the capability to perform a kinetic strike on any satellite. Also, the strength of GPS is equivalent to a 60 watt lightbulb at 100 meters away. The system is vulnerable. The only thing more terrifying than losing the technology is trusting it so much that a convoy is led into enemy hands.

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